
Posts Tagged ‘NEWS’

Congressman Mollohan WV-D the man said to a lady ( that yelled if it is so good why dont you get on it) that his health care IS just like HR3200 and the crowd erupts. He states that we will be given the same options to pick from as those that work for the Government. The crowd could not be convinced. Well does that mean Obama is on the same plan already with his family? How about Nancy Pelosi? She on this plan?
Category: Travel & Events

Tags: Hannity Ronald Reagan Health Care Newt Gingrich Mark Levin Birth Certificate George Bush Rush Limbaugh FOX NEWS Sean Bill O’Reilly Abraham Lincoln Arnold Schwarzenegger Ann Coulter Glen Beck Sheppard Smith Megyn Kelly Republican Steel Bobby Jindal Sarah Palin Richard Nixon Ford Gerald Vice President Dick Cheney Chuck Norris joe the plumber Condi Condoleezza Rice michael savage nation banned

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Mollohan does not know what the 10th Amendment is!

People Can not stand even when the name of Obama is mentioned. They boo his name!? Wow! Wheeling West Virginia was the host to a Town Hall by Congressman Mollohan. I must say this I give him kudos for just showing up to be honest, I figured after waiting that they would send a representative out in replace of him.Congressman Mollohan (D-WV) had his hands tied in this Town Hall.I just drove back from it so out of ahe videos I took I am placing this my favorite on for you all unedited and raw. Enjoy!
WHEELING, W.Va. — Residents packed in to a town hall meeting in Wheeling on Friday to hear West Virginia Rep. Alan B. Mollohan answer questions about the much-debated topic of national health care reform.
Mollohan, a Democrat, represents the state’s 1st Congressional District. He spoke for about 20 minutes before the question and answer session at Wheeling Jesuit University, highlighting portions of HR 3200, a bill that he said is still being revised. He said the current version of the bill prohibits lifetime and annual limits on benefits.

It has uniform benefits for all, Mollohan said.
Under the bill, Mollohan said businesses would be required to provide insurance for employees. Small businesses with payrolls less than $250,000 a year would be exempt, but he said these numbers are always changing.
Mollohan said the bill would also make anyone within 133 percent of poverty level eligible for Medicaid.
The dialogue became heated at times.
I cant think of a single thing the government does and does it well, one attendee said.

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No Mob here Pelosi and Biden no Nazi lady/family here we are real!


I am grassroots!  I invite anyone else out here who is to join my site dedicated to real regular citizens like me whom are on a mission to stand up for our constitutional rights.  These are very important days we have since under the current Obama Administration they are pushing hard to control every aspect of your life down to your very personal things which they are trying to invade our privacy.  The government should have no right what so ever to have a hand in our Health Care.  The government needs to stay out in such personal areas as such.  This is a disgusting thing to think that a panel of 52 people will have a say over your conditions in a doctor office or dental chair.  Who are they kidding?  Who’s business is it to know what my OBGYN said about  my Vagina.  This grosses me out like you can never imagine!  The thought of someone peering through papers of my little girl or little boy just makes me want to vomit!

These are very personal things which the Government is trying to take control of.  You may not realize just how indepth it goes.  Think of this as well.  Here they will have all they need to know about every citizen in the United States of America since you are FORCED to carry health care and if you can not afford it  you are fined.  Why would they fine a person that refuses their insane tactics to be in control of your health?

They will no longer need to employee Acorn and their several other groups they have under other names which they have recently been forced to change due to the corruption within their groups concerning the thug tactics they use and how they play the race card.  They will not need them for they will have a even better census which is the medical system they have in place.  Can you see where I am coming from.  I always think of every possible thing good or bad just to try and figure out what does lie ahead for myself and my children, friends and relatives.

This is not a good thing to happen.  The Government has bought out Wall Street, The Automobile Industry, the Housing Market, this would be the worse of all of them since it is an invasion of your most personal information.

This country I know is going down hill fast and changing even faster and as the Obama Administration can not keep people from losing jobs as they promised the stimulus money they threw out would help employee people and save jobs just today on the local news they announced out of Pittsburgh channel 11 that the Government had to lay off over 140 people!  Well, it seems to me that they want to control the people into needing help through the Government.

They want in the Obama Administration to create dependency.  Think about it.  Look around.  I am not crazy, and am not talking bullshit here folks, I mean to tell you if the Government continues this road will lead to many people being desperate to have to go to their local welfare and state offices for help to pay bills and for food or clothes for their families.  What a great set up that is right… Then all the while they have the nerve with people so desperate for money to place adds selling their Health Care reform?  Do you see where I am coming from now?  The tip of the ice burg.

Look, I am not a paid right winger, I am not a Nazi logo sign holder nor am I a angry mob like member- I’ll tell you what I am.  I am a citizen of the United States of America the land of the free.  My name is Michelle Cale, I am a mother of two beautiful children whom are still young.  I am a go getter.  I believe in capitalism.  I have run businesses in my life and currently sell on craigslist, or ebay even have tried Tias and Go Antiques.  I try to stay busy I love the outdoors.  My passion is my family.  My husband is in the Military and is overseas spreading democracy and showing people a better way of life than little kids running around with guns shooting at each other in the Middle-East.

I appreciate our Flag and all it stands for and all that have died to protect my rights, I will stand up for our soldiers

far and wide forever.  And for that is reason I will fight with all I have to spread the word about the horrible things happening in our Country.  I will warn others.  It is not propaganda these are facts.  Facts that will change the America my husband left.  He may come back to a United States he no longer can recognize.  I know if that happens and he turns to me I can truly show him how I have done all I can to take back America from the radical socialistic ways which our current Obama Administration is trying to make us be like.

I can honestly say I have done all I have out of my own pocket, I have gone without just to buy that URL or domain in hopes that it will reach just one person so that they can warn others since in reality word of mouth spreads like wildfire.  

I feel Obama is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and if he did not state t hat he was a Democrat I would swear he was a Republican for he so mirrors all that former President Bush was.  Look it up on Google for yourself see how he mimics all that he does.  Look at all the days he has been in office and how many promises he made which he later changed his mind.  He is not the President I know that others really were hoping for he has not brought any change for the better only change for the worse.

And while he sends out slews more of soldiers to deploy to the war on terror which they like to live in a Obama fairyland and not even use the facts as such and play with words… it makes me clearly remember when he stated so loud and forcefully in a speech he gave that he would never send our troops overseas in a war without knowing a plan  which he was sure would work.  Well folks, look it up this is his deal now, he refuses to claim victory in Iraq and this Afghans war is his baby, look how many of our troops we have lost.

God Bless America


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Thank you for your time reading this:

Michelle Cale

Just a Mom from West Virginia

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